
On Tuesday, May 28th Sprudge.com is co-hosting a post-WBC cupping with the fine folks at Everyday Coffee, a brand new cafe in the Collingwood neighborhood of Melbourne. We’re calling this event the WBC Come-Down, and it’s meant as a bit of a return to normalcy for the coffee lovers of Melbourne, plus a chance to cup out and taste several of the delicious coffees kicking around Melbourne during WBC. Expect European, North American, Asian, African, and of course Australian roasters to be represented at the Come-Down, alongside drinks, snacks, and a bit of discussion time to follow – Your Sprudge Editors will be on hand and you’ll be able to ask us anything you want, no holds barred.

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The event happens Tuesday, May 28th at Magic Johnston (27-29 Johnston, just 2 doors up from Everday’s cafe location), a stunning art & design event space (no really, go look at their website). This event is being modeled off our International Delight cupping last spring in Los Angeles, which means we’re hoping to be able to offer a real symphony of uncommon packaging, utterly delicious coffees, and that certain sort of energy that comes from getting together over a special and unusual cupping table.

The Facebook page for WBC Come-Down is here – look for updates between now and 28th as we’re able to share more about this exciting event.

Top image courtesy of Small Werld

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