Should you be so lucky to be located in the city of Melbourne, Australia, this Wednesday marks an opportunity to chat and learn Ben Kaminsky, Director of Quality Control for San Francisco’s Ritual Coffee Roasters. Admission is $45 Australian dollars. Learn more from the Market Lane website:
Ben will be talking us through the basics of setting up a quality control program, and showing us the tools that can make managing quality much easier (like extract mojo) and how to use them. The session will cover off the basics of extraction, and then go on to provide tips on how to implement quality and consistency focused solutions in your coffee program. In the session Ben will also give us his perspective on the future of specialty coffee: how emerging markets and increased demand will effect the specialty sector and quality as we know it now. We’ll finish up with a cupping of seven coffees from Ritual and Four Barrel of San Francisco.
Though we kind of always wish we were in Melbourne, we especially wish we were in Melbourne for this event. Learn more about Market Lane and their offerings here. [Photo source: Google+]