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Exclusive: Win A Tamper!
James Hoffmann Announces Second Annual Little Miss Absurd Latte Art Challenge
The Other Black Stuff Presents: WBC Christmas Disco

James Hoffmann Announces Second Annual Little Miss Absurd Latte Art Challenge

First Annual Absurd Miss Latte Art Winner
First Annual Little Miss Absurd Latte Art Winner

James Spader Hoffmann has an important announcement for the world. Listen close:

Some unfinished things really do bother me. The second absurd latte art challenge is one of those things. Over a year ago I proposed a second competition. The first one had been amazing, and the second generated some really interesting and fun entries.

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The problem is I never got around to sorting out a winner. Time to sort that out!

Sort it out, James. Sort. It. OUT! We’ll keep our eyes set sharply with rapturous fervor on, and fear not: we’ll be SURE to bring you for ANY sign of an impending announcement for the Second Annual Little Miss Absurd Latte Art Challenge!

BTDUBS…our favorite contender for any LMALAC? This one, this one right here:

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