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Friday: Mid-Winter Christmas Party At New Zealand’s Flight Coffee Hangar

Christmas parties in winter are pretty commonplace affairs for us in the northern hemisphere. But for our southern counterparts, the idea is completely anachronistic. Well, it’s winter now in New Zealand—albeit a 55°F winter—and the folks at Flight Coffee have decided to do the unheard of and throw a Mid-Winter Christmas Party.

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Taking place at the Flight Coffee Hangar in Wellington on August 11th, the mid-winter party is inspired by Head Chef Alice Jary’s loves of Christmas and food. What better way to celebrate the holiday that with good cheer and festive vibes? Well, I’ll tell you. Mulled wine. All of the above will be flowing freely at the Hangar—where Sprudge has previously hosted a party of our own and can say from firsthand experience that good times were definitely had by all—along with some delicious food, cheer, and of course more drinks.

The whole shindig starts at 7:30pm local time. Tickets for the event are NZ$65.00 and are available for purchase here. There are only nine remaining as of writing this, so if you are planning on attending, now would be a good time to buy your ticket. More information for the event can be found at the mid-winter Christmas Party Eventbrite page.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

*top image via Flight Coffee

Flight Coffee is an advertising partner on the Sprudge Media Network.
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