The ‘grams are a-buzzin! All signs point to Chemex, makers of perhaps the most classic of classic coffee brewers, introducing a brand redesign, and possibly even new products? They’re still keeping their cards close to their chest on the whole situation, but it’s all very #exciting. The first sign of impending awesomeness comes from the official @the_chemex instagram feed, which we are big fans of:
While nothing has been officially launched yet, it looks like some shipments have already gone out with the new logo:

We love the original 1950s look, but this new take is a great re-interpretation that would look at home on the fanciest of café merchandise walls.
Puppies remain unconvinced – and largely sleepy – but human people are getting excited on their social medias.

We can’t wait to see what the rest of the brand refresh is going to look like. It’s great to see some strong, modern graphic design getting paired with timeless industrial design, and just in time for the holiday season. Seriously, how cute would that new box up there look sitting under the tree next to one of Intelligentsia’s holiday boxes?
Pair it with a custom knit Chemex cozy, and you have the makings of a pretty much perfect Holiday morning.