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8 Reasons Why Browns Of Brockley Is Coffee’s Cutest Instagram


As any social media manager can tell you, there’s much to be said for “authenticity” in branding. Of course, when we’re talking about the brand of a multi-billion dollar company, finding space for any actual realness or fun can be quite hard. But when it comes to Browns of Brockley, a popular independent coffee shop in South East London, real (cute) fun seems to be in abundance.

This owes much to the presence of their adorable Pug dog Ludd, who graces their logo, serves as a de facto cafe mascot, and helps make Browns one of the best social media streams to follow in all of coffee. Provided that you like pugs. Which, what are you, some kind of monster? What’s not to like?

Here is a pug and a baby wearing a t-shirt with a photo of a pug. We cannot possibly like this photo enough.

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Here is a baby riding a pug. The photo is blurry, because it’s a baby riding a pug, and you try capturing magic.

In this photo Ludd contemplates an enormous version of him/herself.

Here’s another photo of a baby and a pug. Browns of Brockley should be lecturing on social media technique around the world in 2015, so stay tuned.

Not entirely related, but OMG donut peaches. Between the peaches and the dog and the baby, don’t you want to go to here?

Ludd looks very fashionable in flannel. Somehow this is the first flannel-clad pug we’ve ever encountered, and hopefully not the last.

And thus ends our brief interrogation on Browns of Brockley, a social media powerhouse of cute. They’re serving Square Mile coffee here, and have been well-reviewed by the likes of Time Out. The space is conveniently located near the London Overground system’s Brockely Station, which means commuters can grab an espresso and spend some quality pug time before trudging off to work.

Visit Ludd in real life at Browns of Brockley at 5 Coulgate St, London SE4 2RW.

Do you think your Instagram feed is cuter? E-mail us immediately.

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