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Barista Champs From Around The Globe – You Can Join Them In Bogota!

Bogota At Dusk...Dreamy

Here’s a bit of a recap on WBC championship action happening around the globe, but first, a new feature on – your official “Send Me To Bogota” update. Click the link to your right for details, and find out how you, yes you, can go to the WBC event in Bogota for absolutely nothing. Sign up today, coerce your friends to vote for you, and stay tuned to Sprudge for frequently fabulous updates on the standings.

John Gordon has won his second consecutive UK Barista Championship! Congratulations, John, and good luck in Bogota.

Olga Melik-Karokozona has survived the Russian Coffee Marathon, and is your Russian Barista Champion for 2011! Congrats, Olga, and we’ll see you in Bogota!

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Yakup Aydin is the Dutch Barista Champion for 2011. He’ll be taking along his skills and stroopwafels to Bogota this summer – hey Yakup, save some for us!

Your Brazilian Barista Champion (and winner of one Brazilian dollars) is Felipe Oliveira! Felipe will make the relatively short trip across the Amazon to compete at the WBC in Bogota!

Your a championize di barizti Italia is a commandatore Francesco Sanapo. Bravissimo, Francesco, and we’ll see you in Bogota!

Alejandro Mendez has won the Barista Championship of El Salvador. That’s awesome, Alejandro, big ups. See you in Bogota!

Last but not least, Travis Scott is the winner of South Africa’s Barista Championship. Congratulations, Travis, and we’ll see you in Bogota!

Dreamy Bogota at Dusk...
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