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An Empty Chair: Jason Dominy Out At BGA

After five years, Jason Dominy is resigning from his position as chair of the Executive Council the Barista Guild of America. Jason posted a lengthy explanation over at his blog, and has been up to some exciting things at Batdorf and Bronson over the last year, selling over six hundred Coffee 101 Roastery Tours via Groupon and Scoutmob. He’s also busying himself with “Coffee Ambushes” at various spots in Atlanta (Adult Swim HQ, Fox Theater, Coca-Cola to name a few). The BGA Blog published a post thanking Jason for all of his work:

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Jason has spearheaded our focus on larger member engagement, continuing to build the barista community nationwide. After nearly a year of serving as Chair, Jason has resigned his position to focus on his family and position at Batdorf & Bronson.

The membership and the Executive Council will miss Jason’s leadership and dedication. His enthusiasm and passion have driven his advocacy for the guild, and for the barista profession. This enthusiasm has been especially apparent in his efforts like the “5 Questions” articles, and organizing Manual Brew Downs.

With the help of Jason Dominy, the Barista Guild of America has achieved much over the last five years, including a comprehensive healthcare option for members, increased education opportunities, and the now annual BGA training camp retreat. It’s a body of work that Jason and everyone at the BGA should be proud of.

We here at would like to give Jason Dominy a big old virtual bear hug. Thanks for five years of service and we look forward to all of the great things you have in store for Atlanta and Batdorf & Bronson.

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