Here are eight sure signs that you are, in fact, a French press.

8. You were once the king of your domain, and then were largely dismissed, but are quietly making a huge comeback in a big way.

7. You were the 1994 “Gift To Get” for anyone on your holiday list.

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6. People will often call you “silty,” or “burly,” and sometimes “sturdy,” and “chewy,” and “swampy,” and more commonly just “muddy.”

5. You’re usually extremely reliable – but sometimes under the right amount of pressure, you can explode.

4. For a time you were seen in cafes across the world but have since been isolated.

3. You come in many skins – you’re decked out in fearsome stainless steel, other times you’re ensconced in butch leather, and sometimes soothing sheaths of wood.

2. While some have tried to change your personality and the way others perceive you, you’re still you and you ain’t never going to change.

1. You’re perfect.

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