banner advertising DONA 
 banner advertising pacific foods barista series knows plant milks cold 
 banner advertising the Ground Control SM  
 banner advertising DONA 
 banner advertising DONA 
 banner advertising pacific foods barista series knows plant milks cold 
 banner advertising pacific foods barista series knows plant milks cold 
 banner advertising the Ground Control SM  
 banner advertising the Ground Control SM  
 banner advertising the Ground Control SM  
 banner advertising DONA 
 banner advertising pacific foods barista series knows plant milks cold 

2nd Annual Sprudge Design Awards Semi-Finalists: Outstanding Design Achievement, Café / Roasting Facility

sda cafe roasting semifinalist sda cafe roasting semifinalist

sda cafe roasting semifinalist

Congratulations to the 2nd Annual Sprudge Design Awards Outstanding Design Achievement, Café / Roasting Facility Semi-Finalists! This award celebrates cafes and roasting spaces that exemplify exceptional architectural and interior design, fostering an inviting and aesthetically pleasing environment for coffee lovers.

Outstanding Design Achievement: Café / Roasting Facility Semi-Finalists

Common Grounds Coffee Roasters
EH9 Espresso
King’s Gambit Coffee Co.
Origin Coffee
Roseline Coffee
San Alberto Coffee
Shore Coffee Roasters
Spectracolor Coffee
Three Monkeys Coffee

Check out the complete list of Sprudge Design Awards Semi-Finalist categories here. Semi-finalist voting is open from November 18, 2024 through December 3, 2024. Finalists for all twenty-four categories will be announced December 6, 2024.

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Introducing The Second Annual Sprudge Design Awards Semi-Finalists

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Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters Is Back—And Now They're A Part of Dillanos

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Cafe Imports ed+u coffee education designed for students and trainers