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Boes B4 Spros: Wendelboe & Holmboe Bang Talk Coffee

In the most recent episode of CNN’s Culinary Journeys, Chef Esben Holmboe Bang explores Nordic culinary history as he prepares for a Midsummer gathering of friends. From scallops to salted cod, Culinary Journeys shows Norway’s traditional fare through the eyes of a world-renowned chef. But no deep dive into Nordic culture would be complete without discussing coffee, and who better to talk Nordic coffee with than Tim Wendelboe?

Co-owner of Oslo’s three Michelin-starred restaurant Maaemo, Chef Holmboe Bang meets up with the former World Barista and World Cup Tasters Champion at his eponymous Tim Wendelboe café in Oslo to discuss the history of coffee in Norway. Wendelboe explains that the Nordic love of coffee begin in the early 1900’s during prohibition, when “Norway was drunk.” Drinking water from the river would cause illness, so that left coffee as one of the only cheap, sober alternatives. And a love affair was born.

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After receiving advice from Wendelboe about the coffee for his Midsummer meal, which will be served in the outdoors as any good Midsummer gathering should be, Chef Holmboe Bang opts for the traditional Nordic kokekaffe, or “steeped coffee” made over an open campfire. In the accompanying CNN article, Wendelboe shares his very simple kokekaffe recipe: “just boil the water, put the coffee in and let it steep for four minutes, and then pour.”

The video above is part 3 of Chef Holmboe Bang’s Culinary Journeys episode, and if you want to skip straight to the coffee stuffs, it starts at around 5:15. But you should really just watch the whole episode, which can be found here and here. It’s not often you get the chance to see a brilliant chef talk to a brilliant coffee mind.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

*top image via CNN

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