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Three World Coffee Championships Head To Taiwan In 2023

taiwan coffee show taiwan coffee show

We’re not even a month past the 2022 World of Coffee—along with the five World Coffee Championships it hosted—that took place in Milan, Italy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start looking ahead to next year’s event. And yesterday, the Specialty Coffee Association announced where and when the next three World Coffee Championship events will be taking place. Happening November 17th through 20th, Taipei, Taiwan will host the World Roasting Championship, Coffee in Good Spirits, and Latte Art.

Per a press release, these three competitions will take place as part of the Taiwan International Coffee Show. The event was originally scheduled to make its triumphant return to the Nangang Exhibition Center in 2021, but like many things, those plans had to be put on hold due to the pandemic. But two years later, plans are back on at the Taiwan Coffee Association’s premier event.

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This time around, the TICS will host three different World Coffee Championships. Whereas the last visit to Taiwan fruited a new World Coffee Roasting Champion, this time new winners will be crowned for Roasting, Latte Art, and Coffee in Good Spirits. All other WCC events—Barista Championship, Brewers Cup, Cut Tasters, and Cezve/Ibrik—will take earlier in the year in Athens, Greece.

So start making your arrangements now. For more information or to buy tickets, visit the Taiwan International Coffee Show’s official website.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

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