Discovery! Development! Collaboration! Lunch! It’s all happening at Barista Nation Texas, which goes down in Dallas on Monday, November 5th. The last day to register for this event is 10/31/12, and registration is cheap and easy. Simply go to and donate $10, then email your receipt to
Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters is hosting the whole shabangalang and your tireless, probably-likely-soon-to-be spouseless Editors will be in the house to give a keynote address on the subject of “Collaboration.” Also we’re DJ’ing the afterparty, so ya know, we hope you like “I Got A Man“.
Yes sir, this is going to be a real scene. Here’s a roundup of what to expect come Monday!
Tom Vincent of the legendary Texas Coffee School will be leadin’ up a real humdinger of a talk on cafe marketing. Do you want to create an impact without breaking the bank? Who doesn’t! Not you. You are who doesn’t want to not do that.
Oak Cliff Coffee‘s Shannon Neffendorf and Ernesto Menendez of the wildly popular and award-winning Finca Las Brumas will speak on coffee collaboration, and reflect on Mr. Menendez’s recent first place win at the 2012 El Salvador Cup of Excellence. Sprudge recommends!

Cuvee Coffee‘s Lorenzo Perkins is slated to speak on developing a winning USBC routine. Perkins is a seasoned competitor and a world renowned veteran of the craft. If you’ve ever thought of competing, this is a must-see talk. Sprudge recommends!
If competition really isn’t your thing there’s something else to sink your teeth into: we’re talking about Brent Hall of S&D Coffee on the roaster-forward subject of creating a profile. Expect some serious maillard reaction satisfaction, acid tripping, and revelry in this ninety minute Roastacular.
After our keynote address, when everyone is thoroughly stuffed with complimentary sandwiches, there’s a whole world of afternoon time activities. Check it out!
Shannon Neffendorf takes the stage again, this time with Oak Lawn Coffee‘s mononymous Ryan. These folks are going to sit and chat about collaborating barista business tools and your cafe. Shannon and Ryan will share a lot of insider tips to really make your cafe buzz.
Oh, snap. Did someone invite Richard Sandlin from Fair Trade USA? They sure did, and we hope he brought a ton of Fair Trade certified booze. Richard is a gifted speaker and his talk on Fair Trade USA’s efforts with coffee, food, and liquor is sure to be captivating. Sprudge recommends!
Wilbur Curtis Co.’s wonderful Brant Curtis teams up with Tom Vincent on a course on troubleshooting brew methods, with an emphasis on tasting results. Expect a bounty of knowledge nuggets, bring a notepad, and get ready to dive deep into the delicious waters of brewing. Sprudge recommends!
The notorious duo Sauro Dall Anglio & Garold LaRue are offering recipes for collaboration. Not much else is known about this, but we expect it to be the sleeper hit of the day.
Sterling Houghton is capping off the day with a panel discussion on customer/barista collaboration. This is a big conversation happening in the industry and there’s plenty to talk about. We’ll be tweeting live during this debate. Join us!
After all them words and things, we’re DJing while baristas get sloppy and put all of the milk in the cups (all of it)! Giddyup!