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WANT: Wes Lang’s Freaky Gorgeous Stumptown Mugs

If you work in coffee, you probably have an ever-growing collection of awesome coffee mugs. But this new collection from Stumptown Coffee and Brooklyn-based artist Wes Lang may very well take your collection’s collective cake.

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We’re a little late to the Wes Lang party – these mugs have been covered already by Dear Coffee I Love You and Urban Outfitters, among others – but who gives a hoot, look at how gorgeous they are! 4 distinct prints, gracefully ensconced in an individually numbered signature Wes Lang wooden crate, rough and ready to shock your mother or impress your latest house guest with a juxtaposition of gruesome /cute death motifs.

Seriously, if we wound up back at your place and you had these mugs, well, we’d be quite impressed. Order your set here via the Stumptowns.


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