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This Weekend: Take Flight At The Los Angeles Design Festival

Design is an important part of any business, and this is perhaps no more apparent than it is in Los Angeles, where it seems like every coffee shop is impeccably built out. Dinosaur Coffee, Go Get ‘Em Tiger, Blue Bottle in Venice, these are just a few shops whose design is as recognizable as the products they serve. It should come as no surprise then that LA has its own festival highlighting design and that coffee is right there in the middle of it.

Starting today and running until Sunday, June 11th, the Los Angeles Design Festival takes over ROW DTLA to celebrate the city’s design culture. Included in the festivities will be architecture firms, kombucha and beer companies, vineyards, clothing designers, and of course coffee. One of the sponsors of this year’s event is Take Flight Coffee, one of LA’s newest specialty coffee roasters. Between 11:00am and 5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday, Take Flight will be hosting a pop-up, where they will be serving complimentary coffee to all LA Design Festival participants. Bags of coffee and other merch will also be available for purchase.

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Additionally, Take Flight co-founder Deaton Pigot (profiled earlier this year on Sprudge), will be a featured panelist for Food><Design, where he will join moderator Patrick Fredrickson of AIGA and creative directors from Soylent and Brothecary to “explore the intersection of food and design, how/why modern design has influenced their brand, and more.”

When reached for comment Pigot had this to say:

I will be sitting on a discussion panel talking about the impact design has on food and the perception of quality, it should be a great conversation really… Outside of packaging we will also be talking about spaces, how they work and lend to experience and perception of food quality or not. Does a white linen glad restaurant provide the same exhilaration as a not so legal street taco joint, or eating off a pristine white plate vs a wooden cutting board? Food for thought.

And the best part is, the festival is free, save for a few ticketed exceptions, including the opening night fundraiser. Unfortunately, Food><Design has already sold out, but fear not, Take Flight is doing a takeover in a handful of cafes in what they are calling a “road trip to the beach.” Included in the takeover are Cafe Dolce, Cognoscenti (all three locations), Cow Cafe, and Menotti’s. There are also a handful of other events taking place at the LA Design Festival that still have room for you more aesthetically minded folks. For a full roster of events or more information on the festival, visit the festival’s official website.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

*top image via the Los Angeles Design Festival

Take Flight Coffee is an advertising partner on Sprudge Media Network.
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