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The Knockbox Is Coffee’s New Satire Website

You like to laugh and you like coffee and sometimes you even like to laugh at coffee. That’s why you are going to want to check out The Knockbox, a new satirical website written by and for the specialty coffee community, at least the portion of it that recognizes how ridiculous we all are.

The Knockbox is the newest creation of RJ Joseph, the creator of the Queer Cup, contributor at Barista Magazine, and staff writer here at Sprudge. It is here we would like to note that The Knockbox is a wholly independent coffee publication from that of Sprudge, so separate in fact that I wasn’t even asked to write for it and I’m hilarious. Not that I’m upset about that or anything. I’m funny, right? Right?! Oh god, someone please tell me I’m funny. This is my worst nightmare coming true.

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When reached for comment, Joseph had this to say about her newest endeavor:

In the coffee industry, we often take ourselves way too seriously, and I just want us to be able to have fun and laugh at ourselves and our very real challenges. Comedy is a great way to explore real issues that people on all sides of the bar face.

Written in the vein of The Onion or The Borowitz Report, The Knockbox has come out of the gate blazing, turning a smarmy eye towards Yelp reviewers, roasters, and all manner of barista folly. “Too soon!” will be the cry of the barista who feels personally attacked, seeing themselves in the harsh light of satire.

But the rest of us—the ones who have already come to terms with our ludicrous existence—we can all have a good laugh at those who can’t (until they start writing about coffee writers, that is. In which case, TOO SOON!). So go check out The Knockbox, it’s all gold. And donate to the cause via their Patreon or Cashapp. Laughs aren’t free, so cough up the coin, chuckleheads.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

*top image via The Knockbox

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