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Our experience at Tamper Tantrum Live in Nice, France was for sure a major highlight at this year’s World Of Coffee event. They’re up to something special, these Tantrumers, comprised of Collin Harmon (owner of 3fE in Dublin), Stephen Leighton (owner of Has Bean in Stafford) and grand organizational overseer / den mum Jen Rugolo. TTL bills itself as “a platform for constant bickering and brainstorming,” but it’s become something much greater than that: A freewheeling and not at all stuffy environment for sharing specialty coffee knowledge. This is not the 69th iteration of “Like TED For Coffee” – Tamper Tantrum is actually fun, and funny, and thought provoking without being up its own arse.

We’ve been huge fans for a long time, and getting to participate in this year’s TTL talks in Nice was something of a dream come true. There’s heaps of great talks from TTL Nice that will be posted soon, but today let’s check in with what’s up so far – there’s only two complete talks as of yet, but they’re both corkers.

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Cory Andreen:

The first of 10 speakers at TTL Nice, things kicked off with Cory Andreen from Cafe CK in Berlin. Mr Andreen’s talk was on the topic of “Tasting Coffee Critically”, a field for which he’s an acknowledged expert (Cory was the 2012 World Cup Tasters Champion). An amazing opening speaker – wickedly smart and funny, but also thought provoking. What a great way to kick off Tamper Tantrum Nice 2013.

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Gwilym Davies

This is 2009 World Barista Champion Gwilym Davies, all grown up. He comes to Tamper Tantrum for the second time to talk about the potential idea of a Barista Guild of Europe, modeled on the Barista Guild of America. It’s an idea he is spearheading for the SCAE.

We’ll keep checking back in with more Tamper Tantrum updates when there’s more videos to watch, including two banter sessions that feature our own co-founder Jordan Michelman alongside top talent like Brian W. Jones (DCILY), Ingri Johnsen (Solberg & Hansen, Kaffikaze) and David Latourelle (Solberg & Hansen). Stay tuned.

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