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Sylvan Esso’s New Single “Coffee” Sounds Like Cafe Mornings


Jonathan “Peaches” Bonchak from Counter Culture Coffee won the Southeast Regional Brewer’s Cup this past weekend with an immaculate service routine, backed up by a lush, airy soundtrack. One of the standout songs from the routine was “Hey Mami” by Sylvan Esso, a new recoding project out of Durham, NC from Amealia Meath of Mountain Man and Nick Sanborn of Megafaun. Fittingly enough, Sylvan Esso released their newest single yesterday, entitled “Coffee“.

The single is pretty much perfect early morning cafe music: mellow keys and shimmering chimes against a shuffling, insistent beat, intertwining with Meath’s warm, melancholy voice, building to a subdued crescendo with her refrain “get up, get down”.

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The song’s wistful tone is perfectly captured in the lines “Wild winter, warm coffee, mom’s gone, do you love me? / blazing summer, cold coffee, baby’s gone, do you love me?”

As a barista-turned-coffee-writer, this song instantly transported me to the feeling of putting on the first album of the day as you open the cafe doors at 7am, just before ushering in the waiting regulars.

The band is also friends with/fans of Slingshot Coffee, a local purveyor of hand-crafted bottled coldbrew coffee run by Jenny Bonchak, who happens to be married to Jonathan Bonchak. Might we see some sort of collaboration in the future? Coffee and music collabos are certainly all the rage these days.


Sylvan Esso’s debut LP will be out May 2014. In the meantime, you can listen to a number of their singles on their Soundcloud. You can also preorder the Coffee 12″ vinyl from Partisan Records. Whether or not we get to see any coldbrew-fueled avant-garde happenings in the woods of North Carolina, there’s still a pretty high chance that we’ll be hearing “Coffee” in at least one competitor’s routine in Seattle this year.

Alex Bernson (@AlexBernson) is the Assistant Editor at Read more Bernson here

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