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Check Out This New “Cold Bruer” Coffee System (With Exclusive Recipe!)

Gadgets. Gizmos. Doohickeys. Thingamabobs. Who doesn’t love new widgets and what’s-its, especially when they make beautiful coffee?

We recently  had an opportunity to test-drive a prototype of the “Cold Bruer” Cold Brew Coffee System, and today we’re happily giving this device our “Sprudge™ Stamp of Approval.” It’s by far the most beautiful cold brew coffee system out there, and while beauty isn’t everything, the Bruer also produces some of the best home-brewed cold brew we’ve ever tasted.

The device has been successfully funded and is currently in pre-sale on Kickstarter ($50). More information on all the parts from Kickstarter:

The Tower is made from borosilicate glass.  It holds both the water, and the ground coffee for the brewing process.  It can hold up to 24 ounces of water and 2 ounces of coffee.

Cold Bruer uses widely available Aeropress sized filters for water dispersement on top of the bed of coffee.

The Valve is the heart of our design, and consists of two parts. The plug is made from food grade silicone, and separates the water chamber from the coffee chamber in the Tower.  The adjustment knob is made from 304 stainless steel. It allows for infinite adjustment of the drip rate.

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The Filter sits at the bottom of the Tower and allows the brewed coffee to drip through. It consists of a food grade silicone ring and a 304 stainless steel filter.  This part can be easily removed allowing for easy cleaning of the Tower.

The Bruer Pot is also made of borosilicate glass.  This is where the brewed coffee extract is collected. It functions both as part of the brewing process and as storage vessel for the coffee after the brewing is finished.


In a series of tests at SprudgeLabs, we experimented with a number of parameters. Here’s our winning brew method for the perfect Bruer cold brew:


63 Grams of Coffee (Melitta-esque Medium Grind from our Baratza Forte)
550ml water
150ml ice

Cooking directions:

We placed an Aeropress filter above the stainless steel filter at the bottom of the “tower” (top brewing chamber), then added the 63 grams of coffee, and topped the coffee with another filter. That’s right, it’s triple filtered. Trust. It’s delicious. We pre-wet with coffee with 50ml of cold water then placed the “valve”.

Then add the remaining 650ml of water/ice. You control the amount of water dripping onto the coffee (and total brew time) by lightly unscrewing the valve. We aimed for one drip per second and figured that out with a stopwatch.

Then it’s just a matter of waiting.

What results is an ultra-clean cold brew concentrate.


The device can be yours for $50 via Kickstarter.

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