
This year, Seattle-based espresso machine manufacturer Synesso brought a nine-group espresso machine to the floor of the Specialty Coffee Association of America‘s annual “Event” exposition. The machine caught the attention of attendees for its exceptional length. It was one of the most talked about booths at the trade show.

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The Machine, by the numbers
$69,000 MSRP
120 Amps at 220 Volts of Power
10 Feet Long
9 Group Heads
9 Baristas Can Operate The Machine
9 Pumps and Motors Underneath
9 Individual Brew Tank Boilers
3 Steam Tank Boilers
4 Steam Wands
1 Week To Build
1 Solid Stainless Steel Back Plate


For Synesso, the nine-group Hydra was an “art piece”, highlighting their machine’s features (individual brew tanks) as well as some of the add-ons (brushed steel candy red group heads).

Throughout the show, three roasters would man the machine, each employing two baristas. Anfim grinders lined up behind the bar.

For more on the Hydra, check out Synesso’s official website.

Photo by Joanna Han.
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