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Podcast: New Episode Of Coffee Uncut Is All About Customer Service


A new episode of the Coffee Uncut podcast is available now! Store it on your phone, listen to it on the go, and chat directly with Alex Littlejohn on Twitter (@RavenSpeaking). You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, subscribe to the podcast RSS Feed, or listen to it right here on Sprudge!

We’re thrilled to host of Alex Littlejohn’s coffee podcast, where she tackles the most complex philosophical coffee questions of our day. Always thoughtful, informative, and smart – Alex gets to the bottom of it with the help from a panel of coffee friends and celebrity guests.

Coffee Uncut: Episode 9, Customer Service panelists. (Top to bottom, left to right: Andrew Villa, John Martin, Teresa Pilarz, and your host Alex Littlejohn)

Episode Nine: Customer Service (Part Two)

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The discussion of customer service continues! This time, host Alex Littlejohn talks shop with John Martin (Lamill – Los Angeles, California), Teresa Pilarz (Espresso Elevado – Plymouth, Michigan), and Andrew Villa (Bellano Coffee – San Jose, California).

And in case you missed it, here’s the first part of the Customer Service discussion.

Episode Eight: Customer Service

In this very special episode, host Alex Litteljohn talks about customer service in the coffee industry. Her guests are Mike Green (Lemonjello’s Coffee, Michigan), Richard Park (Cha’va Cafe, Chicago), and Megan O’Connel (Bipartisan Cafe, PDX).

Coffee Uncut is hosted by and supported by BeanFruit Coffee Company, Verve Coffee Roasters, Demitasse Roasting Company.

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