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NYC: Dallis Bros. Holiday Pop-Up At Joe Pro Shop

‘Tis the season for amazing holiday coffee markets! Hot on the heels of yesterday’s feature on the Bow Truss Coffee Company brew-ha-ha in Chicago, there’s an exciting event happening this coming weekend in New York City – and a lot people are buzzing! Our friends and partners at Dallis Bros. Coffee and Joe NYC are teaming up to bring you a holiday pop-up of epic proportions.

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The event happens this coming Sunday, December 9th at the Joe Pro Shop (131 West 21st Street, Manhattan), and will feature a veritable stocking’s load of holiday gifts for the coffee enthusiast, including coffees, brewing gadgets, take-home gear, and more. The gang at Dallis Bros. will be serving coffee throughout, highlighting a few of their new single origin espressos and coffees.

There’s also going to be a slate of presentations, cuppings, and infosessions throughout the day, including one on Dallis’ very own coffee farm in Brazil – Fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida. The whole thing is capped off by a throw down with prizes starting at 7pm!

Dallis Bros. got hit hard by Super Storm Sandy – their neighborhood in Queens was devastated, and the gang at Dallis lost much of their communications interface for a few grueling days. You can and should show your support for the Dallis Bros. team by checking out this holiday market – and if you go, tell them Sprudge sent ya!


Dallis Bros. Holiday Pop-Up At Joe Pro Shop happens Sunday, December 9th!

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