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Nordic Roaster Forum This Weekend

Folks from around the Nordic lands are flooding into the Johan & Nyström Konceptbutik Pavillion and Auditorium at Swedenborgsgatan 7 118 48 in Stockholm, Sweden, for this weekend’s sold out Nordic Roaster Forum. The first day of the event will focus on “Direct Trading”, and Nordic coffee luminary Morten Wennersgaard will discuss, cup, and evaluate fine coffees from Rwanda and Burundi. The legendary Felipe Croce and his notorious counterpart, João Hamilton dos Santos, will then set their sights on Brazil, followed by Mr. Graciano Cruz, who will grace the audience with his deep knowledge of cultivars, processing, and surely all manner of other things.

The forum will debate, and then eat dinner. The organizers of the Nordic Roaster Forum have spared no expense, and will be bussing the entire sold out audience to the revered J&N@Work. Guests will dine on baby seal blood terrine, endangered tortoise egg omelettes, and Kopi Luwak Barrel Aged Cognac beer. No, really.

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On Saturday, back at the Johan & Nyström Pavillion and Auditorium, guests will soak up last night’s afterparty beverages with what is called a “good morning croissant“. Day two’s theme is on the Kenya Experiment, and it is said that Giorgio Graziosi will descend upon the stage with trick wires, to appear as if he’s a floating coffee cherry blossom.

Architect Kamau Kuria is scheduled to appear later in the day, delighting the audience with his / her soft shoe routine, while carpenter Johan Ekfeldt will discuss roasting philosophies.

The whole affair will end with a BBQ Goodbye Party at Pause on Södermannagatan 42 116 40 in, where else, Stockholm. Pause is a concept, and it features a rotating series of international guest chefs that take on different thematic farm-to-table philosophies. Dinner is deconstructed, analyzed for its gustatory phenomenology, then presented in a series of small plate set courses that can only be described as “insider outsider feasting.” This month’s service is presented by this month Jung Anderssson, a Korean chef from Edmond, Oklahoma, for whom dinner is but a riff on the bounty of Stockholm’s street life. Diners can expect rare fungal mushrooms, artisanal local vermin, and a coursing of lingonberry kimchis.

For more on this seasonal roasting concepts, modern culinary convention, and collaborative fine dining and coffee experiences, please consult below:

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