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Coffee Design: Koppi In Helsingborg, Sweden


Launched in the same flurry of activity that saw Koppi move to new roasting digs and open their second cafe, each coffee in the brand’s new packaging series gets its own unique and colorful label. The company’s logos are backed by multi-colored paintings, designed by individual employees at Koppi during the company’s festive “painting nights” (which include pizza and wine). It’s hard to overstate how much we love everything about this.

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As told to Sprudge by Koppi co-founder Anne Lunell.

Tell us a bit about Koppi.

Koppi is a roasting company founded in 2007 by myself, Anne Lunell, and my partner Charles Nystrand. We are based in Helsingborg on the west coast of Sweden just an hour away from Copenhagen. We’ve been working in the industry for around 13 years, starting with barista competitions back in 2005 and 2006. Our aim is to work long term both with our coffee producers but also with our wholesale partners. A stable and strong business relationship benefit all parties and it that way we help each other grow.


When did the coffee package design debut?

In November of 2016.


Who designed the package?

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The new design was the brain child of myself and our designer Christoffer Erneholm. I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do and he brilliantly made it happen. The multi-colored labels are made by everyone working at Koppi. We have evenings when we paint, drink wine and eat pizza. The idea of involving our team in the design process is something I really like. They are all loving the involvement and the creative process. And as a bonus, no label will look the same.


What coffee information do you share on the package?

Origin: micro-region, region and country
Flavor: 3 flavor notes


What’s the motivation behind that?

We do detailed information cards with everything you might want to read about each coffee. But for the coffee bags, we wanted to keep it clean and elegant. I think that some of the information can be overwhelming to the wider audience. Narrowing it down doesn’t mean that we are less serious or that we compromise in any way. We have all information you might want, we just choose to have it on information cards or online instead.


Where is the bag manufactured?

In China.


For package nerds, what type of package is it?

It is a box bottom bag custom made for us so the measurements are unique. We found bags on the market that we liked, but generally, it was just one of the bag sizes that looked good and the other sizes had flaws. Or the material wasn’t nice enough.

We wanted the same width so the labels would look the same on all sizes. The depth and hight/length of the bags differ between the sizes.


Is the package recyclable/compostable?

Yes, it is recyclable.

Where is it currently available?

Our coffee is available either in our shops, with our whole sale partners around the world or online through our web shop.

Coffee Design is a feature series by Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge. Read more Coffee Design here.

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