Meet the 2014 World Barista Championship Semi-Finalists! They’ll compete against one another on Wednesday, June 11th beginning at 10:00AM Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00) – convert this to your local time here.
Congratulations to all 12! Get caught up by watching their Round One routines below. Follow @SprudgeLive on Twitter tomorrow for our live play-by-play commentary from Rimini. Watch the 2014 World Barista Championship live stream, available here!
Christos Loukakis, TAF, Greece @chrisbarista @tafcoffee
Hidenori Izaki, Maruyama Coffee Co., Japan @maruyamacoffee
Coen Van Sprang, Bocca Coffee Roasters, The Netherlands @boccacoffee
Erna Tosberg, Roestbar, Germany @kommissar_ern
Kapo Chiu, The Cupping Room, Hong Kong @TheCuppingRoom
Tse-Lin Wu, Simple Kaffa, Taiwan @simplekaffa
Laila Ghambari, Cherry Street Coffee House, United States @cherrystreet @lay_luh
Craig Simon, Think Tank Coffee, Australia @craig_simon @ThinkTankCoffee
William Hernandez, Viva Espresso, El Salvador @williamhve @VivaEspresso1
Ben Put, Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters, Canada @philandseb @putankhamun
Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood, Colonna & Small’s, United Kingdom @colonna_smalls
Pete “Petesy” Williams, 3fe, Ireland @3fe #petesy
Sprudge.com’s coverage of the 2014 WBC is made possible by the direct support of Nuova Simonelli.