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Meet Your 2014 Southeast Brewers Cup Finalists


Here they are, your brand new class of Brewers Cup finalists! These six baristas represent the very best in hand-poured coffee in the Southeast United States. They’ve already competed once to get here; tomorrow they’ll battle again, fighting the chance to be called Brewers Cup Champion for their region, and move on to compete at the United States Brewers Cup Championship next April in Seattle.

Without any further ado, here they are – your Brewers Cup finalists for the Southeast region.

James Tooill, Argo Sons Coffee in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Jesse Myers, Quills Coffee in Louisville, Kentucky.

Miles Murray, Carrboro Coffee in Carrboro, North Caorlina.

Colin Whitcomb, MadCap Coffee Company in Washington DC.

Krisann Freilino, Peregrine Espresso in Washington DC.

Jonathan Bonchak, Counter Culture Coffee in Durham, North Carolina.

Congratulations to all of this year’s Brewers Cup competitors, and your 2014 Southeast Brewers Cup finalists.’s coverage of the 2014 Big Eastern Barista Competition is made possible by direct support from Dallis Bros. Coffee and Counter Culture Coffee. We’re proud to serve as your official media partners for the 2014 Speciality Coffee Association of America US Coffee Championships season. 

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Day One At The 2014 Big Eastern Regional Barista Competition

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