Readers, do not attempt to adjust your monitor! What your are seeing above is absolutely real. Meet Velopresso, an award-winning design concept from Amos Field Reid and Lasse Oiva, both recent graduates from London’s Royal College of Art. A glance at their sponsor roll reveals co-branding with Londinium Espresso and Monmouth Coffee, so odds are that’s from whom they’re sussing out their gear and beans.

Here’s their “About” section, in case you needed further evidence of the whole art school business:

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Velopresso is a celebratory fusion of human power, sensory pleasures and technology — old tech with hi-tech, bicycles and coffee, their engineering and aesthetics. The result is an innovative pedal-powered mobile coffee-making machine for off-grid selling of quality espresso and its derivatives with a compact footprint and near silent ultra-low carbon human-powered operation — fine coffee, no electricity, no motors, no noise.

Ooh, off-grid. We could really use that for a couple of days. No but really, the Velopresso website is beautiful, and we’re definitely intrigued — never before has the pedal powered kiosk been so aesthetically gorgeous. Any Londoners seen this beauty biking about town?

You know, this phenomenon is nothing new…

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