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La Marzocco Atlanta In Brief… #EPTour Day 1

Last evening in Atlanta, Georgia, a lowkey group of business owners, baristas, gear nerds, coffee types, espresso enthusiasts (and detractors!), shorts-and-sandals-but-a-nice-shirt formal / casual youngish 20-somethings,  long timers, conversationalists, testers, filmographers, doubters, lovers, haters and tabloid journalists gathered together at the Counter Culture Training Center in the King Plow Arts Center, to behold the La Marzocco Strada EP East Coast debut. As a woodcutting of the Espresso Rustico donkey watched on, attendees noshed on mezze from a nearby Mediterranean restaurant and listened to an informal, informative presentation from La Marzocco wunderkind Scott Guglielmino.

The presentation – and the chance to play with the Strada EP up close and personal – continues on Wednesday in Washington DC, and in New York this coming Friday. If over the last few years you’ve asked yourself, “Pressure profiling? What’s the big whoop?”, you owe it to yourself to make it out for one of these events. It’s a rare pleasure, to watch an expert explain years of work and innovation, while embracing the theoretical and forward-thinking nature of his inventions. It’ll challenge your preconceived notions about what an espresso machine can do, that’s for sure.

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You’ll be hearing more from us about the EP East Coast debut throughout the week. Come and see the machine in person Wednesday the 27th in Washington DC, and this coming Friday, the 29th, in New York City. Both events sponsored and graciously hosted by Counter Culture Coffee.

More from us soon.

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ATLANTA: You Will Join Us...

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WASHINGTON DC: La Marzocco Strada EP Tour Rolls On

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