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Help Umeshiso Grow By Supporting Their GoFundMe

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Your favorite gay spoon maker is on the grow. Umeshiso, the brand that first brought you rainbow cupping spoons and chopsticks is looking to continue their evolution outside of just the coffee world and into the broader homewares category with new fun products. But the small team, led by founder, specialty industry veteran, and host of A Better Table podcast Umeko Motoyoshi (who uses they/them pronouns), needs your help. That’s why they’ve created a GoFundMe to help bring the next phase of gay homegoods to life.

In just three short years, the Umeshiso rainbow spoon has become the cupping spoon du jour in the specialty coffee industry. It’s your favorite coffee person’s favorite accoutrement. The Umeshiso line of spoons has grown to include a big and little dipper as well as multiple color options including black, gold, and rose gold. Then last April, the brand stepped into the world of rainbow chopsticks, a versatile tool that has utility both in and out of the coffee sphere. Now, Umeshiso is looking to branch out either further, with a new line of rainbow forks and knives.

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The company’s steady growth has allowed not only the product line to increase but the team as well. And with growth comes added labor, and like most founders of small startups, Motoyoshi finds themself overworked at the expense of their health. With the help of the GoFundMe campaign, part of the brand’s growth will be an investment in the health and well-being of the people who comprise the company.

Seeking to raise $45,000, the funds from the campaign will go not only to the producing and marketing of new products, but to allow Motoyoshi to pay Umeshiso’s employees for a full month while they recover from burn out, physical illness, and mental strain. As of press time, the campaign has raised just over $2,000 toward its goal.

So if you are the owner of a beloved rainbow cupping spoon and want to help spread that joy to the users of forks and knives, donate to the Umeshiso GoFundMe. And if you aren’t able to support them monetarily, consider sharing the campaign via your social network. Because why shouldn’t eating be just as gay as coffee? For more information, visit the Umeshiso GoFundMe page.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

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