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East Africa’s EAFCA Now Africa’s AFCA

The Annual East African Fine Coffee Association came and went. From the official website: “Founded in July 2000, EAFCA is a regional nonprofit, nonpolitical, member-driven association representing coffee sectors in 11 member countries namely Burundi, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.”

Sprudgie Award winner Aleco Chigounis was there, along with several other coffee buyers. We followed along with their tweets:

@jasonwhatWho buys Ethiopia’s coffee? 1. Germany 2. USA 3. Saudi Arabia 4. Belgium 5. Italy #EAFCA #Africa

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@AlecoChigounis: Duromina wins 1st prize at Taste of Harvest comp in Addis this weekend. Congratulations @sweetmarias@coffeeshrub and @stumptowncoffee!

And now, according to, EAFCA is now AFCA.

Eastern Africa Fine Coffees Association (EAFCA) became African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA) on Friday, thereby embracing the continent to promote African coffee to the world.

According to the chairman, more and more African nations have an interest to join EAFCA.

“It is not because we persuade or lobby with the rest [coffee growing] African countries but it is the sheer interest of other African countries to join EAFCA,” Kalua said. “Looking at our activities and achievements through the years, more and more African countries are requesting us to be members. And that is why we have now changed our name from EAFCA to AFCA as EAFCA stands for East African countries as the name suggests.”

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