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A Complete 2014 Big Western Barista Competition Schedule


Welcome to the third event of the 2014 United States Barista Championship season. We’re in Los Angeles, California for the 2014 Big Western Regional Barista Competition, hosted by Wilbur Curtis Co. and Portola Coffee Lab. Your live stream for the weekend is here.

Please follow @SprudgeLive on Twitter for up-to-the-second live coverage of the event. It is our pleasure to serve you as official media partners of the Specialty Coffee Association of America.’s coverage of the 2014 BWRBC is made possible by direct support from Wilbur Curtis Co., Portola Coffee Lab, and Nuova Simonelli

Day One – Friday, February 21, 2014 – 20 Competitors

1. 10:45 Justin Williams, Front, San Francisco @FrontSF

2. 11:04 Charles Biando, Blue Bottle Coffee Co., Oakland @bluebottleroast

3. 11:23 Maxwell Mooney, Spotted Cow Coffee Roasters, Seattle @MaxwellAMooney

4. 11:42 David Tran, Demitasse Coffee Roasters, Los Angeles @CafeDemitasse

5. 12:01 Liam Neighbors, Crema Coffee + Bakery, Portland @CremaPDX

6. 12:20 Peter Flores, Bar Nine Collective, Los Angeles @BarNineCoffee

7. 12:39 Cole McBride, Visions Espresso / Velton’s, Seattle @colecoffee @visionsespresso

8. 12:58 Nicolas Lawson, Mr. Espresso, San Francisco @OakWoodRoasted

9. 1:17 Christos Andrews, Neptune Coffee / Kuma Coffee, Seattle @christosandrews

10. 1:36 Jamil Radney, Dripp Coffee, Chino Hills @dripp @calligraphy909

11. 1:55 Brandon Weaver, Slate Coffee Roasters, Seattle @coffeeandbookz @slatecoffee

12. 2:14 Cris Mendoza, Saint Frank Coffee, San Francisco @StFrankCoffee @CrisJMendoza

13. 2:33 Michael Cannon, Velton’s / Neptune Coffee, Seattle @neptunecoffee @SuperHarioBros

14. 2:52 Frank La, Copa Vida, Los Angeles @Copa_Vida @Flalessinhim

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15. 3:11 Stacy Wood-Burgess, Café Javasti, Seattle @CafeJavasti

16. 3:30 Andrew Ogden, Portola Coffee Lab, Costa Mesa @PortolaCoffee

17. 3:49 Sam Schroeder, Olympia Coffee Roasting Co., Olympia @s_schro @olympiacoffee

18. 4:08 Nicholas Rodriguez, Rose Park Roasters, Long Beach @roseparkroaster

19. 4:27 Bronwen Serna, Vashon Coffee Co., Seattle @VashonCoffeeCo @BDSerna

20. 4:46 June Thornton, G & B, Los Angeles @GandBcoffee

Day Two – Saturday, February 22, 2014 – 19 Competitors

21. 11:45 Sam Brandvein, Caffe Ladro, Seattle @LadroRoasting @sambrandvein

22. 12:04 Mark Nunziata, Barista, Portland @baristapdx

23. 12:23 Corey Autobee, Independent, Seattle @coreyautobee

24. 12:42 Christopher Casassa, Ritual Coffee Roasters, San Francisco @ritualcoffee @LoveofC

25. 1:01 Marla Roach, Crema Coffee + Bakery, Portland @CremaPDX

26. 1:20 Kevin Bohlin, Saint Frank Coffee, San Francisco @StFrankCoffee @kgbohlin

27. 1:39 Corey Critchfield, Case Study Coffee Roasters, Portland @CaseStudyCoffee

28. 1:58 Truman Severson, Portola Coffee Lab, Costa Mesa @PortolaCoffee @trmnsvrsn

29. 2:17 Bethany Hargrove, The Fresh Pot, Portland @thefreshpotcafe @Bethany_ynahteB

30. 2:36 Elle Taylor, Little Owl Coffee, Denver @LittleOwlCoffee @elletay3

31. 2:55 Sarah Posma, Alaska Coffee Roasting Co., Fairbanks @sarahposma

32. 3:14 Riley Paterson, Visions Espresso, Seattle @visionsespresso @rileypaterson1

33. 3:33 Laila Ghambari, Cherry Street Coffee House, Seattle @CherryStreet @lay_luh

34. 3:52 Leslie Ruckman, Bellano Coffee, San Jose @BellanoCoffee @el_rucko

35. 4:11 Rachel Grozanick, Handsome Coffee Roasters, Los Angeles @HandsomeRoaster @rrgrozanick

36. 4:30 Sumner Ohye, The Curb, Kailua @sumos @thecurbtruck

37. 4:49 Chad Bledsoe, Torque Coffee Roasters, Vancouver, WA @TorqueCoffee

38. 5:08 Andrew Villa, Chromatic Coffee Co., San Jose @ChromaticCoffee @villaphoto

39. 5:27 Eden-Marie Abramowicz, Intelligentsia Coffee, Los Angeles @MissEdenMarie @intelligentsia

Day Three – Sunday, February 23, 2014 – 8 Competitors

40. 11:45 Casey Soloria, Intelligentsia Coffee, Pasadena @Intelligentsia @csoloria

41. 12:04 Ethan Poole, Portland Roasting Co., Portland @pdxroast @2Poole4School

42. 12:23 Christine Johnson, Handsome Coffee Roasters, Los Angeles @HandsomeRoaster @compactchris

43. 12:42 Brady MacDonald, Olympia Coffee Roasting Co., Olympia @OlympiaCoffee @braideee

44. 1:01 Sheli Maciel, Allegro Coffee Co., Oakland @AllegroCoffee

45. 1:20 Charles Babinski, G & B, Los Angeles @GandBcoffee @charlesbabinski

46. 1:39 Nick Purvis, The French Press, Santa Barbara @leFRENCHPRESS @nikpurvis

47. 1:58 Jillian Woods, Farley’s Coffee SF, San Francisco @farleyscoffee

48. 2:20 Row Aczon, Honolulu Coffee, Honolulu, HI @honolulucoffee 

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