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Coffee Sprudgecast On The Road: Bay Area Events August 16th & 17th!


Following a riveting set of engagements across Europe—Dublin, Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam—The Coffee Sprudgecast is back on the road this August 16th and 17th, bringing you two nights of stirring live podcast content from the Bay Area. Partnered with the team at La Marzocco Home, we’re bringing riveting live programming, educational content, and home espresso playtime to the following locales:

Tuesday, August 16th at Counter Culture Coffee in Emeryville, CA


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2:00—4:00 PM — La Marzocco Home presents Barista Basics, a two-hour boot camp on the fine art of making espresso at home.

6:00—7:30 PM — Open house time at the fabulous Counter Culture Emeryville HQ. Ask the team from LM Home questions, pull shots on their spiffy Linea Mini espresso machines, and mingle with Your Sprudge Editors.

7:30 PM — A special live engagement of the Coffee Sprudgecast, featuring interviews & fun with Bay Area coffee luminaries.

Wednesday, August 17th at Four Barrel Coffee in San Francisco

san francisco boor bridges coffee architecture sprudge
[Photo: Bruce Damonte]
2:00—4:00 PM — La Marzocco Home presents Barista Basics, a two-hour boot camp on the fine art of making espresso at home.

6:00—7:30 PM — Open house time at the iconic original Four Barrel Coffee location in the Mission District. Mingle with Sprudge, hang out with LM Home, pull shots on their delicious machines, and have a nice coffee time.

7:30 PM — An unforgettable live presentation of the Coffee Sprudgecast, featuring San Francisco coffee legends.

Guests and event details will be announced as we draw closer to these events! For now, RSVP on Facebook and let us know you’ll be joining. We love the Bay Area and can’t wait to present these events in just a few short weeks.

RSVP: Tuesday, August 16 in Emeryville, CA

RSVP: Wednesday, August 17 in San Francisco, CA

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