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Halloween Week: Extreme Measures
Cafe Imports And Ever Meister To Hold Bi-Weekly Office Hours
Halloween Week: Just A Barista

Cafe Imports And Ever Meister To Hold Bi-Weekly Office Hours

Office Hours Office Hours

While there are some of us out there with no real understanding of, well, anything really, who say that we are “rounding the corner” of this whole global pandemic thing and we’ll be back to normal in no time flat, what the reality of the situation presupposes is, maybe we’re not? And because of that, interactions are going to remain online for the foreseeable future.

But just because we are in a bubble, doesn’t mean we can’t cause any trouble. In this instance, the Bud to your Doyle is Cafe Imports’ Director of Education and 2020 Sprudge Twenty inductee Ever Meister, who will be hosting Office Hours, a bi-weekly Zoom call on all things coffee.

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As announced via the Cafe Imports blog, Office Hours will be “a casual get-together on alternate Fridays where we’ll offer updates from our green buyers and producer partners, mini classes, interviews with industry luminaries, Q&A sessions, and the occasional good ol’ coffee break.” Starting this Friday, October 30th, the online hangs are expected to begin at 10:30am CST, last around 30 to 40 minutes each, and span the day’s given topic. And the inaugural Office Hours kicks off with a chat with Andrew Miller, Cafe Imports’ founder and green buyer, to give updates on the goings on in Colombia. The full schedule is as follows:

Oct. 30: Updates about Colombia with Andrew Miller, Cafe Imports founder/partner/green-coffee buyer
Nov. 13: What the Deal with Organic Certification: A mini class
Nov. 27: Coffee Break + AMA with Ever Meister, Cafe Imports director of education/editorial manager
Dec. 11: Updates from Africa with Claudia Bellinzoni, Cafe Imports green-coffee buyer
Jan 8: Blending Basics: A mini class

Office Hours is completely free to attend and open to all. No registration is required. Just show up and dial in using the information available on Cafe Imports’ official website.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

Disclosure: Cafe Imports is an advertising partner with the Sprudge Media Network

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