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A Complete 2014 Big Eastern Barista Competition Schedule


Welcome to the second event of the 2014 United States Barista Championship season. We’re in Durham, North Carolina for the 2014 Big Eastern Regional Barista Competition, hosted by Counter Culture Coffee and Dallis Bros. Coffee. Your livestream for the weekend is here, and please follow @SprudgeLive on Twitter for up-to-the-second live coverage of the event. It is our pleasure to serve you as official media partners of the Specialty Coffee Association of America.’s coverage of the 2014 BERBC is made possible by direct support from Counter Culture Coffee, Dallis Bros. Coffee, and Nuova Simonelli

Day One – Friday, January 17th – 20 Competitors

1. 10:45 Dawn Shanks, Independent, DC @DawnShanks

2. 11:04 Nick Oddo, Commonplace Coffee, Pittsburgh @thecommonplace

3. 11:23 Steph Caronna, La Farm Bakery, Cary NC @LaFarmCary @CoffeeSteph8876

4. 11:42 Andrew Cash, Jubala Village Coffee, Raleigh @JubalaCoffee

5. 12:01 Dave Planer, Kaffe 1668, NYC @kaffe1668

6. 12:20 Couper Cox, 5&10, Athens GA @coupercox

7. 12:39 Jennifer Hall, Sola Coffee Cafe, Raeligh @solacoffee @jennforgivn

8. 12:58 Vasilios Dimitriadis, Intelligentsia Coffee, NYC @intelligentsia @billy_brogan

9. 1:17 Michael Sammartino, Baked And Wired, DC @bakedandwiredDC

10. 1:36 Jonathen Liu, Gimme! Coffee, Brooklyn @gimmecoffee @jonathenlewd

11. 1:55 Tery Honeyghan, Peregrine Espresso, DC @peregrineDC

12. 2:14 Seth Cook, Northside Social, Arlington VA @northsidesocial

13. 2:33 Dylan McFatrich, The Morning Times, Raleigh @TheMorningTimes @DylanMcFatrich

14. 2:52 Wade Reed, Joe Bean Coffee Roasters, Rochester NY @JoeBeanRoasters

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15. 3:11 Jesus Gomez, J. Rene Coffee Roasters, West Hartford, CT @jrenecoffee

16. 3:30 Alison Maitland, Swing’s Coffee Roasters, Alexandria VA @SwingsCoffee

17. 3:49 Jonathan Moehlig, Land Of A Thousand Hills, Roswell GA @1000hillscoffee

18. 4:08 Jenna Gotthelf, Northampton Coffee, Northampton MA @NohoCoffee @this_is_jennaG

19. 4:27 Erika Vonie, Ultimo Coffee, Philadelphia @ultimocoffee @OkAn_EerieEvil 

20. 4:46 Josip Drazenovich, La Colombe, NYC @jdrazenovich @lacolombecoffee 


Day Two – Saturday, January 18th – 19 Competitors

21. 11:45 Everett CoxGather, Brooklyn NY @GatherNY

22. 12:04 Josh BonannoBuddy Brew Coffee, Tampa, FL @BuddyBrewCoffee @josh_bonanno

23. 12:23 Michael CorriganVoltage Coffee and Art, Cambridge, MA @VoltageArt

24. 12:42 Camila RamosPanther Coffee, Miami FL @panthercoffee @milamos

25. 1:01 Hadassah WilsonSquare One Coffee, Lancaster, PA @squareonecoffee @hadassahedith

26. 1:20 Brian GelletlyReanimator Coffee, Philadelphia, PA @ReAnimatorPhila @bpgel

27. 1:39 J. Park BrannenCounter Culture Coffee, New York, NY @counter_culture @jparkbrannen

28. 1:58 Justin EnisEqual Exchange, Providence, RI @EqExCoop

29. 2:17 Nathan Nerswick5 & 10, Athens, GA @fiveandten @nateners

30. 2:36 Luis ColonFuego Coffee Roasters, Rochester, NY

31. 2:55 Michael ButterworthQuills Coffee, Louisville, KY @QuillsCoffee @mjbutterworth

32. 3:14 Joshua LittlefieldIntelligentsia Coffee, New York, NY @Intelligentsia @IntelliNYC @littlejfield

33. 3:33 Trevor CorlettMadcap Coffee Co., Washington, DC @MadcapCoffee @tjorlet

34. 3:52 Matthew BrycePeregrine Espresso, Washington, DC @peregrinedc @Matt_Bryce

35. 4:11 Patricia BrucePavement Coffeehouse, Boston, MA @pavementcoffee @pahbru

36. 4:30 Andrew von ArxCommonplace Coffee Co., Pittsburgh, PA @thecommonplace @baronvonossum

37. 4:49 Philip SearchLa Colombe, Philadelphia, PA @LaColombeCoffee @phineas984

38. 5:08 Maurice MoultonCatalina Café, Tallahassee, FL @CatalinaCafe @mwm_411

39, 5:27 Katie RantSola Coffee Café, Raleigh, NC @SolaCoffee


Day Three – Sunday, January 19th – 7 Competitors 

40. 11:45 David Ward, Buddy Brew Coffee, Tampa, FL @buddybrewcoffee

41. 12:04 Bobbi Jo VandalPavement Coffeehouse, Boston, MA @pavementcoffee @BobbiJoVandal

42. 12:23 Corey ReillyEveryman Espresso, Rochelle Park, NJ @everymanny @Cor_Rei

43. 12:42 Mark HundleySeven Stars Bakery, Providence, RI @7starsbakery @marcushundley

44. 1:01 Tamara VigilIrving Farm Coffee Roasters, New York, NY @IrvingFarm

45. 1:20 Kelsie StewartVolta Coffee, Tea & Chocolate, Gainesville, FL @true_volta

46. 1:39 Tim JonesJubala Coffee, Raleigh, NC @JubalaCoffee @TimmJones

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