All first-round Brewers Cup performances are presented in “silent auction” style, with presentations to follow on Finals Sunday for the top 6 competitors.
There are two different regions competing today, fielding two distinct sets of finalists. North Central entrants will be noted as NC, South Central as SC.
Day One – March 23rd, 13 competitors beginning at 1pm
1. 1:oo Andrew Grassmick, MadCap Coffee, Grand Rapids, MI (NC) @grassad2, @madcapcoffee
2. 1:08 Cody Kinart, Alterra Coffee, Milwaukee, WI (NC) @meanlittleseed, @alterracoffee
3. 1:16 Isaiah Sheese, Anodyne Coffee, Milwaukee, WI (NC) @anodynecoffee
4. 1:24 Daniel Nikodem, Intelligentsia Coffee, Chicago (NC) @DannyAirtime, @intelligentsia
5. 1:32 Jonathan Colon, The Wormhole Coffee, Chicago (NC) @setyoursnares, @wormholecoffee
6. 1:40 Jon Ferguson, Independent, Lincoln, NE (NC) (coming)
7. 1:48 Daniel Bosman, Mars Cafe, Des Moines, IA (NC) @Daniel_Bosman, @marscafe
8. 1:56 Dustin Sheldon, Anthology Coffee, Detroit, MI (NC) @anthologycoffee
9. 2:04 Tyler Rovenstine, Oddly Correct, Kansas City, MI (SC) @TRovenstine, @oddlycorrect
10. 2:12 Robbie Britt, Espresso Parts, Morley, MO (SC) @dynamitecoffee, @espressoparts_
11. 2:20 Sam Brown, Alterra Coffee, Milwaukee, WI (NC) @alterracoffee
12. 2:28 Christopher Oppenhuis, The Wormhole Coffee, Chicago (NC) @wormholecoffee
13. 2:36 Tim Taylor, Ipsento, Chicago (NC) @ipsentocoffee
End of Day 1.
Day Two – March 24th, 13 competitors beginning at 1pm
14. 1:oo Jesse Raub, Intelligentsia Coffee, Chicago (NC) @jesseraub, @intelligentsia
15. 1:08 Mike Marquard, Half & Half, STL (SC) @mikenorth
16. 1:16 Scott Lucey, Alterra Coffee, Milwaukee, WI (NC) @scottlucey, @alterracoffee
17. 1:24 Christopher Zimmerman, Brothers K Coffeehouse, Chicago (NC) @ChemextCritter, @brotherskcoffee
18. 1:32 Miranda Johnson, MadCap Coffee, Grand Rapids, MI (NC) @mirandroid, @madcapcoffee
19. 1:40 Andrew Iverson, The Roasterie, Kansas City, MO (SC) @theroasterie
20.1:48 George Bregar, Alterra Coffee, Milwaukee, WI (NC) @georgebregar, @alterracoffee
21. 1:56 Canaan Vallejos, The Wormhole Coffee, Chicago (NC) @wormholecoffee
22. 2:04 Dexter Zeiler, Brothers K Coffeehouse, Chicago (NC) @brotherskcoffee
23. 2:12 Lorenzo Perkins, Cuvee Coffee, Austin (SC) @lorenzoperkins, @cuveecoffee
24. 2:20 Josh Wisman, Alterra Coffee, Milwaukee, WI (NC) @alterracoffee
25. 2:28 Collin Moody, Intelligentsia Coffee, Chicago (NC) @CollinAMoody, @intellimillpark
26. 2:36 Shannon Steele, Passion Coffee House (NC) @steeleknuckles, @phcoffeeroaster
27. 2:44 Micah Svedja, Quixotic Coffee (NC) @micahsvejda @quixotic_coffee
28. 2:52 Robbie Krask, Caffe Streets (NC) @analogdial @Robbiepedals @Robblesthinks @thisanalogkid @caffestreets