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An Open Call For Cafes On Sprudge Maps

Sprudge Maps Sprudge Maps

Most of life’s queries can be addressed with a combination of two simple things: a nice cup of coffee and a good, sturdy map.

Here in 2023 we’d like to invite you to take part in Sprudge Maps, a searchable global compendium of coffee bars presented in partnership with Pacific Barista Series and La Marzocco.

We launched Sprudge Maps in 2020 as a free, easy to update mapping service for cafes, supporting many hundreds of great coffee bars across the United States and Canada (and around the world). Now with well over 1,000 registrations worldwide, the goal of Sprudge Maps is two-pronged: for consumers, this is a discovery tool for great cafes in your area, and for coffee businesses, it’s an easy way to be listed on a directly updatable global resource. Sprudge Maps is free to use for both consumers and businesses, and supports our partnership with Apple Maps.

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Along the way we developed Sprudge Maps Spotlights, a curated feature series highlighting notable coffee bars and the unique individuals behind them. We’ve run dozen of these spotlights over the past two years, including features on Maru Coffee in Los Angeles, Broadway Cafe in Kansas City, Anodyne Coffee in Milwaukee, The Coffee Studio in Chicago, Watson’s Counter in Seattle, and many more.

We’ve recently updated Sprudge Maps with improved UX, and the maps now live within the homepage. The new url is (the classic still works as well).

Now as we look ahead, we’re inviting great cafes near and far to join us on Sprudge Maps, and be considered for future Sprudge Maps Spotlights. That’s where you come in!

sprudge maps

If you are a coffee entrepreneur, here’s what to do next:

If you are a coffee-loving Sprudge reader, here’s what to do next:

  • Go to right now
  • Follow along with regular updates from coffee companies in your area. Enjoy coffee and support the businesses you love. Drink good coffee.
  • If your favorite cafe isn’t listed yet, let them know about Sprudge Maps!

Anyone can sign-up, and anyone can search for cafes in their area and be updated regularly on open hours and availability. You can drill down and explore by city, or use the resource to take a national picture of where coffee is happening anywhere in your state or country. Join us at Sprudge Maps today to find local coffee near you, or to register your coffee company for free. Spotlight outreach is ongoing, curated by the editorial team at Sprudge—reach out to us today to be considered for a Sprudge Maps Spotlight!

Thank you to our sponsors at Pacific Barista Series and La Marzocco for supporting Sprudge Maps.

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