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We want to take a break out of our exhaustive World Barista Championship and MICE coverage to share with you the work of Pietro Marmo,ย an Italian master jeweler who just launched this incredible collection of coffee-themed jewels and keepsakes, including one piece that’s been certified by Guinness to be “the world’s tiniest Moka Pot.” We know at least sixty-nine people who would wear these works of art. This is the perfect gift for that special coffee boo in your life.

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Pietro Marmo has been the in jewelery business for over thirty years, and from the looks (and some of the prices) of these items, this stuff is pretty gosh darn solid. Just look at those beautiful earrings up above; there are similarly styled coffee cufflinks and jacket taps for chaps.

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These diamond encrusted arabica bean earrings are stunning. You’ll drool, you’ll swoon, you’ll start converting for VAT, just don’t say we didn’t warn you about the price. Check out the entire collection at Pietro Marmo’s website.