There are, as of most recent accounts, nearly 130 known varieties of coffee. But how do all these different varieties relate to one another? That’s where World Coffee Research comes in. The non-profit research organization has put out an all new coffee varieties poster that maps out the lineage of over 100 different varieties. And it’s free to download.

Released last week, the new poster depicts the relationship of 100+ varieties from the two most popular coffee species, Arabica and Robusta. It features coffees from 22 different countries and offers a visual representation of the varieties included in the WCR’s Coffee Varieties Catalog.

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Created in collaboration with the UK design agency webDNA, the poster’s detailed lineage breaks down Arabica coffees into four groups—Catimor, Bourbon Typica, Typica, and Ethiopian Landrace—and Robustas primarily by their country of origin—Uganda, Guinea, Congo x Guinea, and Congo as well as Robusta hybrids with the lesser known C. congensis species.

[digital version] coffee varieties poster 24x36

And because knowledge is best when shared, the WCR has made the poster completely free for all to download and use. It comes in a range of print-ready sizes, 24″ x 36” and 27″ x 40” for American coffee companies and A1 (594 x 841mm) and A0 (841 x 1189mm) for European audiences. They are all available for download via WCR’s website.

Per the WCR’s Hanna Neuschwander, the poster is “meant to be a prac­ti­cal tool and guide for cof­fee pro­duc­ers, but does not aim to rep­re­sent an exhaus­tive list of all coffee vari­eties in exis­tence.” Or, you know, just to look cool above your home coffee bar. For more information or to download a copy, visit World Coffee Research’s official website.

Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.