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Kink Cafe Twin Cities Leather & Latte Expands Operation

Earlier this week we reported on Moonfyre Café, “Portland’s first kinky café”. We noted in the article that it wasn’t the first of its kind in the US, mentioning San Francisco’s Wicked Grounds as having that honor. Well, we completely elided over Minneapolis’ Twin Cities Leather and Latte in our coverage of coffee kink. And it turns out, they are expanding!

Posted on Twin Cities Leather & Latte Facebook page yesterday, owner Greg Wisa broke the news that the café will be taking over the lease of the upstairs section of the building where they currently reside, noting that they “will finally have the space to accomplish [their] dreams.”

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This sex-positive culture hub for the LGBT, Leather, and Kink community is the perfect fit for a nice coffee bar—no different than putting a cafe in a motorcycle shop, the lobby of an off-Broadway theater, or a communal place of worship. Coffee goes where the communities are, and the addition of a new cafe and expansions of an existing one in the last week alone connotes a growing sex-positive community, one that needs coffee.

It goes to show that coffee takes all kinds (and kinks!) and that’s just the way we like it.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

Illustration by James Clapham for Sprudge.

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