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26 Top Coffees: The 2013 Good Food Awards Buying Guide

The Good Food Awards have announced their 2013 finalists in categories including beer, cheese, spirits, preserves, and coffee. A premier honorarium council for delicious and ethically sourced foodstuffs, the GFA’s bring together experts from across a variety of gustatory disciplines to honor the best of the best. This is the event’s third year; it is anchored by Whole Foods, Williams Sonoma, Bi-Rite Market, and a diverse roster of sponsors from around the United States, including our own partner sponsors La Marzocco and Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea.

26 distinct coffees from 23 different roasters were selected as 2013 GFA finalists. The event’s team of coffee judges is a veritable who’s who of high-end roasting, and they’ve selected a truly stunning roster of coffees from this year’s field of submissions. Winners will be announced on January 18, 2013 at the third annual Good Food Awards Gala at the Ferry Building in San Francisco. If you’d like to attend the Gala or the open-air marketplace the following day, visit the Good Food Awards website for more information.

Most, but not all of the coffees selected are currently available for purchase, and so we’ve compiled a list of buying links to all the finalist coffees we could find. Some coffees have yet to be released and we’ll update this list if and when they become available.


Flying Goat Coffee

Four Barrel Coffee

Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea

Sightglass Coffee

Verve Coffee Roasters


Panther Coffee


1000 Faces Coffee

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  • Ethiopia: Shakiso – Mora Mora (Unavailable online)

Evans Brothers Coffee


Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea


PT’s Coffee Roasting Co.




Kaldi’s Coffee Roasting Co.

New York

Cafe Grumpy

Gimme! Coffee

  • Colombia: Líbano, Finca San Luis – La Gloria (Unavailable online)

Joe Bean Coffee Roasters

Joe New York


Case Coffee Roasters

Heart Roasters

Noble Coffee Roasting

Portland Roasting Coffee


Cuvee Coffee


Square One Coffee

  • Kenya: Nyeri – Gatomboya (Unavaiable online)


Kickapoo Coffee

  • Ethiopia: Yirgacheffe – Haru Cooperative (Unavailable online)

Congratulations to all of the finalists of the 2012 Good Food Awards.

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