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Royal Coffee’s Crown On The Road Heads To Seattle On Monday

The Crown stays On The Road. The traveling green coffee educational sessions from the Bay Area’s Royal Coffee pulls into Seattle Monday and Tuesday, where they will be hosting two separate learning events, both centered around the role of a green buyer.

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On Monday, Crown on the Road will kick off with an Intro to Green Coffee Buying course at the La Marzocco USA headquarters in Ballard. Led by Chris Kornman, the class will give “an introduction to the global coffee trade and equip them to manage their purchasing decisions effectively.” Topics for the course include: coffee production, supply chain logistics, the C Market, importing and exporting, INCOterms, and green coffee sourcing strategies.

Day Two will shift over to the Husky Grind at the University of Washington, where Chris Kornman and Jen Apodaca will give a talk on green coffee analytics and roasting styles. The analytics portion will “move beyond simple analyses methods to highlight specifics of how a coffee’s physical quality affects global trade, roasting methods, and flavors.” Roasting styles will discuss a roast’s impact on flavor as well as go over three roasting theories from Scott Rao, Rob Hoos, and Ed Leebrick. Day Two, as with most coffee events, ends with a happy hour.

Tickets for the two courses can be bought separately, $100 and $500 for Day One and Day Two, respectively. Or, they can be purchased as as package for $550. For more information or to register, visit Royal’s official website.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

Royal Coffee Inc. is an advertising partner on the Sprudge Media Network.
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