The NWRBC 2012 Brewers Cup Schedule
Day One – Friday, January 27th, beginning at ONE PM:
1:00 Christos Andrews, Independent, Seattle
1:08 Will Frith, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia
1:16 Nathaniel Jones, Kaffeologie, Seattle
1:24 Akaash Saini, Independent, Marysville, WA
1:32 Alexander Choppin, Batdorf & Bronson, Olympia
1:40 Oliver Stormshak, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia
1:48 Jason Moore, Compass Coffee, PDX
END OF DAY ONE – total competition time of one hour, 7 competitors.
Day Two – Saturday January 28th, beginning at ONE PM:
1:00 Sam Schroeder, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia
1:08 Mike Cannon, Mighty-O Donuts, Seattle
1:16 Michael ‘Panda” Fernandez, Espresso Parts, Olympia
1:24 Jared Gum, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia
1:32 Joe Brown, Independent, Renton, WA
1:40 Honor Forte, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia
1:48 Jack Fleming, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia
1:56 Chad Bledsoe, War Craft Coffee, St. Louis, MO
2:04 Steve Glover, Independent, Kirkland, WA
Day Three – Sunday, January 29th TBA