Barista Competition (all times PST):

1. 10:30AM Tyler Stevens, Barista, PDX
2. 10:50AM Collin Schneider, Sterling Coffee Roasters, PDX
3. 11:10AM Sam Purvis, Coava, PDX
4. 11:30AM Laila Ghambari, Stumptown Coffee Roaster, PDX
5. 11:50AM Marty Lopes, Barista, PDX
6. 12:10PM Devin Chapman, Coava, PDX

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Six competitors, beginning at 10:30 AM, live-tweeting at #NWRBC.

Brewers Cup

1. 10:20AM Devin Chapman, Coava, PDX
2. 10:50AM Will Frith, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia, WA
3. 11:20AM Oliver Stormshak, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia, WA
4. 11:50AM Honor Forte, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia, WA
5. 12:20PM Sam Schroeder, Olympia Coffee Roasting, Olympia, WA
6. 12:50PM Chad Bledsoe, Seven Virtues Coffee, PDX

Six competitors, beginning at 10:20AM, live-tweeting at #BrewersCup.

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