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Coffee Design: Lord Windsor in Long Beach, California


Long Beach, California’s Lord Windsor Coffee has been serving nice coffees since 2012. Last September, the brand rolled out a fresh new look for their coffee packaging. We’re wild about the plant life and bright greens and asked Lindsay Ries Windsor to tell us more.

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As told to Sprudge by Lindsay Ries Windsor.

Tell us a bit about your company.

Lord Windsor Coffee is a specialty coffee roasting company and coffee shop located in Long Beach, CA. Since April 2012, Lord Windsor has been owned and operated by a husband and wife team. To us, coffee isn’t just a product; it’s an experience that we casually take seriously. In an effort to practice “quality over quantity”, we have a small menu so that we can put all the focus on making the best cup of coffee possible. We buy the highest-grade coffee seasonally available, roast it with intention, and use fancy schmancy reverse osmosis water.


When did the coffee package design debut?

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Our retail coffee packaging has been an evolutionary process since we opened our doors. It’s so much fun to line up all of the different stages our bags have gone through,. Our current packaging debuted in September of last year.

Who designed the package?

The design was all in house, and was heavily influenced by some incredible wallpaper we have had in our shop since day 1. We designed the packaging with our past employee Noah Rodriguez, myself & Wade. We have always been drawn to the wild & floral aesthetics, and Noah was able to create something that was bouncing around in our brains for a while.


What coffee information do you share on the package?

We share bare bones info: country of origin, region, producer, and roast date.

What’s the motivation behind that?

We have an intimate shop and staff, so the motivation behind keeping the information on the bag simple was to generate conversation regarding the left out info. Our baristas are heavily involved with our coffees (obviously), and love to nerd out on more detailed information when customers are interested.

Where is the bag manufactured?

The bag is manufactured in China by Savor Brands out of Hawaii.

For package nerds, what type of package is it?

Quad seal box bottom foil lined pouch with gas valve and zipper

Where is it currently available?

The bags are available daily at our coffee shop in Long Beach, on our online store, and various wholesale accounts.

Company: Lord Windsor Coffee
Location: Long Beach, California
Country: United States
Design Date: September, 2016
Designer: Lord Windsor Coffee and Noah Rodriguez

Coffee Design is a feature series by Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge. Read more Coffee Design here.

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