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Michelle Johnson Interviews Margaret Nyamumbo On Seed To Cup

Kahawa Coffee Kahawa Coffee
Kahawa 1893 Coffee

Welcome to the Sprudge Podcast Network. Read more about all of our new shows here!

We are thrilled to have you back again for another Seed To Cup, a new podcast on the Sprudge Podcast Network diving deep into the stories of the coffee industry’s most fascinating founder, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders.

On the sixth episode of Seed To Cup, Sprudge Editor-At-Large and The Chocolate Barista Founder Michelle Johnson interviews Kahawa 1893 Coffee founder Margaret Nyamumbo. Nyamumbo is a third-generation Kenyan coffee farmer and uses blockchain for people to not only trace their coffees back to the farmers but tip them too. Johnson asks Nyamumbo about her ideas on innovation, the future of the industry, and making sure more money gets into the hands of farmers directly.

Listen to the entire episode right here on Sprudge:

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Full transcript. 

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Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Podbay, Spotify, Google Podcasts, ListenNotes, and via RSS Feed.

Seed To Cup on the Sprudge Podcast Network is dedicated to the art of the long-form interview, focusing on the coffee industry’s enigmatic founders, influential executives, and major culture movers. This new monthly show is a coffee-perfect version for fans of podcasts like How I Built That, The Pitch, and other deep-dive interview programs.

This episode is available now via direct download and will be available across all podcast platforms in the coming week. Check out all of the Sprudge Podcast Network shows here.

This season of Seed To Cup is sponsored by La Marzocco and Seattle Coffee Gear

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