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Intelligentsia’s Bolivia Takesi microlot, a Typica coffee sourced via Direct Trade from the Yanacachi region just east of La Paz, is now commercially available via Intelligensia’s website. Takesi is grown at 2450 meters; Intelligentsia is offering this coffee for $71/12oz bag. Takesi was the coffee used by both John Martin and Charles Babinski in last weekend’s SWRBC, helping Mr. Martin place first in the Brewers Cup and Mr. Babinski take second in the Barista Competition. Here’s some notes notes notes from the Intelli website:

The coffee begins with prominent floral and botanical notes, complemented by the juiciness of white grape and Asian pear. Green apple and key lime acidity with hints of candied tamarind and dried cranberry linger on the palate making for a tart but sweet finish.

Learn more and order your own pricey-but-worth-it poundage via Intelligentsia online. Given this coffee’s fine pedigree and pleasurable characteristics, the Dowager Countess surely approves.

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