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Coffee Sprudgecast Episode 081: The One With Ezra Baker

Ezra Baker (Photo by Justin Warsh)

We’re back with a new episode of the Coffee Sprudgecast podcast! We chat about our trip to Florence to check out Accademia del Caffé Espresso by La Marzocco and our visits with Ditta Artigianale and new Tuscan roaster Pacamara Coffee Lab. Sprudge’s very own Robyn Brems is back to catch us up with the news of the now and we interview Ezra Baker of Stumptown Coffee Roasters in New York City.

Listen to the full episode right here:

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Check out The Coffee Sprudgecast on iTunes or download the episode here. The Coffee Sprudgecast is sponsored by Urnex Brands, Hario, and Odeko. Special thanks to Stumptown Coffee Roasters for providing their space to record portions of this podcast.

Check out all the Coffee Sprudgecast episodes here.

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