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Build-Outs Of Coffee: Catzen Coffee Bar & Den In St. Paul, MN

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Perhaps unexpectedly, this week has turned into Cat Week here at Build-Outs, with multiple cat-themed or cat-named cafes strutting across the piano keyboard of our editorial desk. That’s because cats are great, and cats go quite naturally with coffee for maximum comfort and coziness. As the learned philosopher opined, “Cat’s rule—dogs drool.”

Let’s take a look at Catzen Coffee Bar & Den in St. Paul, Minnesota, named for the founder’s lovable crew of cats (can’t have just one cat), including a cat named “Big Cuppa Joe.”


The 2024 Build-Outs of Coffee is presented by Ceado and Dona. The 2024 Build-outs of Coffee is sponsored by Pacific Barista SeriesLa Marzocco, Acaia and Ghirardelli

As told to Sprudge by Vanessa Beardsley.

For those who aren’t familiar, will you tell us about your company?

Catzen Coffee Bar & Den is a new specialty coffee shop, community classroom, and cat cafe opening on Grand Avenue in Saint Paul in October of this year. Our shop is meant to be a place to bring the community together in multiple ways. One side of our shop is a comfortable coffee shop where people can stop by for a coffee or some local food; the other half of the shop is a cozy library den, where resident cats will be living. It will offer cozy seating, a wall of books, and a fireplace for maximum relaxation. The bookshelves will be a lending library. Lastly, our shop will have a community education room, which we call the Coffee Lab. In addition to teaching coffee education classes in this room, we will be hosting other classes such as animal behavior, chocolate making, tea education, and cheese tasting. When not in use as a classroom, the room will be available to groups such as knitting groups, book clubs, gaming events, or study groups.

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Can you tell us a bit about the new space?

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Our one-story building was built in 1910, by the Dreis family. It was originally a seed and general store sitting on the outskirts of Saint Paul, surrounded by farmland. It is now on Grand Avenue, a vibrant shopping and residential street in the heart of Saint Paul. It’s a charming building with large street-fronting windows. 2,000 square feet will be divided into two: the coffee shop on one side, the Den on the other. The Coffee Lab will be in the rear of the building. Aesthetically, our shop will have a funky style reminiscent of Mid Century Modern, with a palette of turquoise, orange, and grey. The Catzen Cats are: Beans and Bialetti, litter mates from the Humane Society; Boudica, a lovely grey Scottish Fold; Big Cuppa Joe, a gigantic Maine Coon; and Tim the Enchanter, a Lykoi. They are are living here in the space with us as we plan and get ready for the build out. We are waiting for the city building permits (mid June?) and then construction will begin inside.

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What’s your approach to coffee?

Our goal is to serve excellent, quality, locally-roasted coffee. We want to not only offer the best cup of coffee and espresso, but remain accessible to the “old school cup o joe” customer. Our vision is to be the neighborhood’s favorite spot not only for the coffee, but the welcoming and comfortable atmosphere.

Any machines, coffees, special equipment lined up?

Our showcase will be a Slayer Steam LP with custom turquoise finish and walnut finishes.

How is your project considering sustainability?

We are sourcing compostable cups and to go items. In addition, we will be offering discounts for re-usable coffee cups that a customer brings in to use, and we will be a member of the Bicycle Benefits program, which offer a discount for customers who bike to the shop.

What’s your hopeful target opening date/month?

October 2024

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Are you working with craftspeople, architects, and/or creatives that you’d like to mention?

Our architects are Studio M of Minneapolis. Our back patio will be surrounded by two huge murals painted by local artist Ara Elizabeth.

Thank you!

Thank you! We are so excited to open!

Catzen Coffee Bar & Den is located at 1416 Grand Avenue, St. Paul. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

The 2024 Build-Outs of Coffee is presented by Ceado and Dona. The 2024 Build-outs of Coffee is sponsored by Pacific Barista SeriesLa Marzocco, Acaia and Ghirardelli

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