We want to take time out this weekend to express our love and gratitude for the entire coffee community. We all have varying opinions on a wide variety of topics and our opinions and beliefs should be respected and we should be respectful of one another. One thing is absolutely certain: We are all equal.
In light of recent events, we want to introduce you to Equality Texas. Equality Texas and Equality Texas Foundation envision a state where all Texans are treated equally, with dignity and respect. Please consider donating to this organization.
Show your support! Make an #YesEqual paper hat!
Step one: Take an 8 1/2″ x 11″ piece of paper and a pen…
Step two: Fold the paper hamburger style…
Step three: Fold in two corners like so…
Step four: Fold up the bottoms to make a nice brim and write “#YesEqual” with your pen…
Step five: Take a picture with the hat and post it on Twitter with the hash tag #YesEqual (be sure to @sprudge)! Let’s make as many #YesEqual hats we possibly can! Get creative! Have fun! Love each other! Have a wonderful weekend!
– Zachary & Jordan