Shocking news today from across the pond, where a Nottingham man died due to a caffeine overdose.
Michael Lee Bedford was at a party where he consumed two spoonfuls of caffeine powder. He later died. A coroner has ruled that a caffeine overdose killed him
Symptoms include: restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, diuresis (need to pee more frequently), uncontrollable jerking motions, tachycardia or arrhythmia, muscle twitches, flushed face, stomach problems and rambling thoughts or speech. Sound familiar? Then you may have experienced intoxication after probably two or three cups of brewed coffee taken in short space of time
While this accurately describes conditions felt by CoffeeFest and SCAA event attendees, especially the rambling thoughts and speech, rest assured that what we’re consuming tastes much, much better than two spoonfuls of caffeine powder.
You can read the gory details over at